Check My Moles Mobile App

Mobile App Development Services


In the course of collaborating with partners in the dermatological healthcare sector, our software company has developed a unique mobile application called “Check My Moles.” Built on a modern technological platform, this application enhances the scheduling process and facilitates information collection from patients, providing convenience and accuracy for both physicians and patients alike.

Check My Moles Mobile App


Appointment Delay: A delay in the appointment scheduling process is a significant issue when patients need to schedule a dermatology examination and share information about specific skin areas.


Simultaneous Information Management: Healthcare facilities encounter challenges in managing simultaneous information from multiple patients, especially when it comes to examining specific dermatological regions.


We leverage Node.js and PostgreSQL for our backend infrastructure. Node.js facilitates efficient concurrent processing, while PostgreSQL ensures data consistency and security. For the cross-platform user interface, we have opted for React Native. The code reuse between Android and iOS significantly reduces development time and effort.


In the case of the Admin Panel, we employ ReactJS to optimize information management and ensure high performance. Our application supports Android, iOS, and web platforms, enhancing utility and providing a seamless cross-platform experience.

Final result

Through the utilization of Node.js and PostgreSQL for the backend, React Native for the front end, and ReactJS for the Admin Panel, we have crafted a robust and flexible Check My Moles mobile application. The integration of these languages and technologies not only addresses specific challenges but also ensures the application’s strength, performance, and readiness for the future. The ultimate result is an advanced dermatological healthcare product, providing a convenient and high-quality experience for both patients and dermatology professionals.

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